Wake Forest University
Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.S. Statistics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A. Physics
State University of New York College at Geneseo
Dr. Erhardt's research interests include environmental and climate statistics, computational statistics, extremes, and actuarial science. He is particularly interested in measuring and quantifying environmental risks, studying impacts of climate change on these risks, and exploring possible insurance solutions.
Erhardt's research is funded by the The Research Grants Task Force of the Casualty Actuarial Society, and from the Society of Actuaries. He is funded under the programs of the Committee on Knowledge Extension Research, the Climate and Environmental Research Sustainability Committee, and the Research Expanding Boundaries (REX) Pool.
He completed his doctorate in Statistics and Operations Research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also completed degrees from the State University of New York College at Geneseo and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2010, he became an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society.
Erhardt is originally from a small town in the Hudson River Valley of New York State, and loves all things "upstate." In his spare time, he enjoys backpacking and woodworking.
Office: Manchester 342
Phone: (336) 758-3334
Email: erhardrj@wfu.edu
MST 767 Generalized Linear Models
MST 369/669 Time Series and Forecasting
MST 367/667 Linear Models
MST 362/662 Multivariate Statistics
MST 358/658 Mathematical Statistics
MST 353/653 Probability Models
MST 256/656 Statistical Models
MST 109 Elementary Probability and Statistics
SUS 602 Scientific Literacy
Extreme Values
Computational Statistics
Environmental Statistics
Actuarial Science
See this page for a complete list.
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